Would you like to improve your metabolism, lose fat while your weight is going to be the same? Then follow these tips:
1. Determine your daily caloric needs! Do not consume more food than needed.
2. Many frequent meals! Do not eat all your food together; divide your meals in five or six meals per day. By doing that your body will consume more energy to digest the food, as a result the metabolism is going to increase.
3. Drink as much water as you can! Water not only creates the feeling of satiety but it can also increase the rate at which we burn calories.
4. Exercise! If you do not exercise and you can’t integrate exercise into your daily routine, then try to “move” as much as possible. You can use the stairs, go for a walk or anything that keep you away from sitting on your chair or couch.
5. Boost your muscular system! Our muscular system consumes more calories than fat. Consequently, the more muscle we have the more calories we consume.
6. Consume low fat protein. For example, skinless chicken and complex carbohydrates (i.e. whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits etc.) .These foods helps the metabolism to burn more calories during digestion.
7. Get enough rest. Insomnia creates intense hunger sensations and affects your metabolism, so weight loss becomes more difficult.